
The Alchemy Tuition Blog

Why developing your child’s emotional intelligence is a must

Why developing your child’s emotional intelligence is a must

“Why can’t my child control their feelings?” is a question many parents around the world ask. Kids often have strong emotions, leading to tantrums and fights with others. But there’s something important we might miss: emotional intelligence. We usually focus on their school grades and staying healthy, but helping kids understand feelings is just as important. This blog will explore five reasons why developing your child’s emotional intelligence is a must and how it shapes their overall development.

1. Creating solid foundations for future success

Emotional intelligence is like a foundation for a child’s future success, and not just in school. According to studies, people with high emotional intelligence (EQ) perform better in life, including friendships, jobs, and mental health. Parents who teach emotional intelligence give their children valuable skills for dealing with life’s challenges. This foundation helps children recover and adjust in a variety of situations.

2. Developing empathy and kindness

In today’s world, where differences are increasing, teaching empathy and kindness is essential. Children with high emotional intelligence can better understand the feelings of others. This allows them to form genuine friendships, resolve conflicts peacefully, and improve their community. Parents who teach kindness at a young age plant seeds of goodwill and understanding, improving the world for future generations.

3. Getting to know themselves better

Knowing and controlling one’s own feelings is an important part of emotional intelligence for children. Understanding their thoughts and actions allows children to learn about themselves. This journey teaches them to better manage their emotions and remain calm. Children who manage their emotions well learn how to recover from setbacks, which is an important skill for dealing with life’s ups and downs.

4. Making good friendships

Having good friends is important for happiness, and emotional intelligence plays a significant role. Emotional intelligence helps children trust others, communicate effectively, and respect others. Children with high emotional intelligence make better friends with their peers, family, and adults. They handle social situations well, solve problems without arguing, and form positive relationships. Parents who instill emotional intelligence create the foundation for long-term, positive relationships.

5. Dealing with life’s challenges

Life presents many challenges, but emotional intelligence enables children to face them with strength. Children with high EQ learn to cope with problems, control their emotions, and solve problems effectively. These abilities enable them to face challenges, learn from mistakes, and emerge stronger. Parents who teach emotional intelligence instill in their children the courage and strength to face life’s challenges.


To summarise, teaching emotional intelligence to children is critical for their overall development and success. Emotional intelligence helps children understand others, manage their own emotions, and remain strong when things get tough. As parents, focusing on emotional intelligence provides our children with valuable tools for dealing with life’s ups and downs calmly. Let’s go on this journey together, helping our children develop their emotional intelligence so they can be their best selves.

Why developing your child’s emotional intelligence is a must

How to deal with a child who hates school

How to deal with a child who hates school

Do you remember your school days? The early morning rushes, the thrill of meeting new people, and the joy of learning something new? Now, imagine if these need to be included for your child.  School isn’t always a bundle of joy for every child and losing these could result in your child hating school. In this blog, Alchemy Tuition will provide you with tips on dealing with a child who hates school.

1. Find the cause

Before we can address the issue, we need to understand why your child hates school. Is it a specific subject, social dynamics, or the school setting? Sometimes the issue isn’t with academics, but with underlying issues like bullying, learning disabilities, or even family problems. Have open, nonjudgmental conversations with your child. Listen more than you talk. This first step paves the way for a solution founded on understanding and empathy.

2. Bringing back the love of learning

Children who dislike school frequently lose their curiosity and enjoyment of learning. Revive the spark by relating school subjects to their interests and hobbies. If they enjoy nature, concentrate on biology and environmental science. If they enjoy stories, look into literature and history. Learning does not have to be limited to the confines of a classroom; museums, parks, and even grocery stores can provide vibrant learning environments.

3. Customising the learning experience

Each child has a unique learning style. Some people learn best visually, while others prefer hands-on experiences. Tailoring the learning experience to their preferred style can make a significant difference. This may include supplementing school with educational activities that are more appropriate for their learning style, or changing your approach to homework help. Remember that what works for one child may not work for another.

4. Creating a supportive learning environment at home

Your child’s attitude towards learning is strongly influenced by his or her home environment. Create a study environment that is distraction-free and well-equipped. However, support extends beyond the physical environment. Be their cheerleader, recognising their efforts rather than their accomplishments. Encourage a growth mindset, which views challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

5. Collaborating with schools and teachers

Sometimes the solution requires collaboration with your child’s teachers and school. They can provide valuable information about your child’s behaviour and academic performance in the classroom. Collaborating with teachers can result in changes to teaching methods or additional help in areas where your child struggles. Regular communication with the school keeps you informed and actively involved in your child’s education.

6. Seeking professional help as needed

There are times when professional help is required. This could include educational psychologists, counsellors, or tutoring services such as Alchemy Tuition. A tutor who understands your child’s needs can make a huge difference. They can provide personalised attention and adapt their teaching methods to your child’s learning style. At Alchemy Tuition, we believe that every child has the potential to excel, and our experienced tutors are dedicated to helping them realise that potential.


Dealing with a child who hates school can be difficult, but it is far from impossible. With empathy, patience, and the right strategies, you can help your child rediscover the joy of learning and see school in a whole new way. Remember, it’s about understanding their specific needs and collaborating to find solutions that work for them. Education is a journey, and with the right support, any child can enjoy it.

How to deal with a child who hates school

Activities to improve children's social skills

Activities to improve children’s social skills

Are your children stuck in the virtual world, missing out on the fun of face-to-face interactions? As parents, we frequently wonder how we can help our children develop important social skills in an age dominated by screens. The good news is that improving social skills does not have to be a lengthy process. In fact, it can be a fun journey packed with laughs and learning. Let’s look at some out-of-the-box activities to improve children’s social skills. After all, the most valuable lessons are learned on the playground of life.

1. Imaginative storytelling sessions

Engaging your child in imaginative storytelling sessions is an excellent way to help them develop their social skills. Instead of simply reading a story, get them involved in creating one. Encourage them to share their ideas, characters, and plot twists. This not only boosts their creativity, but it also requires them to communicate effectively and collaborate with others, particularly during a family storytelling session. As you explore the magical realms of imagination together, your child learns the skills of listening, expressing ideas, and respecting the thoughts of others.

2. DIY project collaborations

Take on do-it-yourself (DIY) projects that promote collaboration and teamwork. Working together on a tangible project, such as building a birdhouse, crafting a mini-garden, or creating a mural, promotes communication and problem-solving skills. As parents, actively involve your child in decision-making and encourage them to share their thoughts on the project. This not only improves their social skills, but also gives them more confidence in expressing their opinions and accepting responsibility for group projects.

3. Nature exploration adventures

Organise nature exploration adventures to connect with nature. This could be a short hike, a day at the beach, or even a camping trip. Nature provides a rich environment for social interaction as children navigate unfamiliar terrain, collaborate to solve problems, and share their discoveries. Encourage them to work together to build a makeshift shelter or identify various plants and animals. These experiences not only improve their social skills, but also instill a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around them.

4. Collaborative art jam sessions

Art is a universal language that cuts across barriers, making it an excellent tool for developing social skills. Set up collaborative art jam sessions where children can express themselves by painting, drawing, or crafting. Set up a large canvas or a collaborative project in which everyone contributes to the final masterpiece. This promotes cooperation, communication, and an appreciation for diverse viewpoints. The beauty is not only in the creation, but also in the collaborative effort to achieve a common goal.

5. Intergenerational story swap

Encourage your child to interact with the elderly in your community, whether they are grandparents, neighbours, or family friends. Set up intergenerational story swaps in which both parties share stories from their childhood or life experiences. This not only fosters empathy, but also teaches your child how to have meaningful conversations with people of various ages. It’s a win-win situation, as it fosters generational bonds while also improving your child’s social skills.


As parents, we have the ability to unlock our children’s social potential. By incorporating these activities into their daily lives, we not only create a fun and engaging environment, but also open the way for essential social skill development. Remember, life’s playground is vast and varied, with numerous opportunities for growth. Let us take a break from our screens and appreciate the beauty of real-world connections, shaping our children into socially adept individuals.

Activities to improve children's social skills

Building a strong parent-child relationship

Building a strong parent-child relationship

Can you remember the last time your child’s eyes lit up with genuine joy and excitement while sharing a story with you? Building a strong parent-child relationship is essential for a child’s emotional well-being and overall development, but it’s not just about being physically present; it’s also about creating a space where your child feels heard, understood, and loved. In this blog post, we’ll look at the ways you, as a parent, could do for building a strong parent-child relationship.

1. Open communication

Effective communication is key to any healthy relationship, including the parent-child bond. Instead of using traditional disciplinary methods, try having open conversations with your child. Ask about their thoughts, dreams, and fears, rather than simply asking, “How was your day?” and encourage them to express themselves without judgement, creating an environment in which they feel comfortable sharing their deepest feelings. This not only builds trust, but also helps you understand their point of view, resulting in a stronger connection.

2. Quality time over quantity

In our everyday life, it’s easy to fall into the trap of measuring parenting success solely by the amount of time spent with your child. However, the quality of that time is much more important. Instead of being physically present but mentally absent, make a concerted effort to be fully engaged during your time together. This could include simple activities like cooking together, playing a board game, or going on a nature walk. Quality moments promote deeper connections, resulting in lasting memories that your child will cherish.

3. Encouraging independence through responsibility

While it is natural to want to protect your child from life’s challenges, fostering independence is an important part of a strong parent-child relationship. Instead of controlling every aspect of their lives, instill responsibility. This can be as simple as involving them in decision-making or delegating age-appropriate chores. By doing so, you not only instill accountability but also demonstrate your confidence in their abilities, fostering a healthy sense of self-esteem.

4. Tailoring parenting styles for individual needs

Every child is unique, so a one-size-fits-all parenting approach may not produce the best results. Take the time to understand your child’s personality, interests, and learning style. Adjust your parenting techniques accordingly, striking a balance between establishing boundaries and allowing for individual expression. By tailoring your approach to their specific needs, you demonstrate that you recognise and value them as individuals, thereby strengthening the parent-child bond.

5. Accepting imperfections and resilience

Parenting is a journey filled with both successes and challenges, and it is critical to recognise that perfection is an unattainable goal. Accept imperfections, learn from setbacks, and show resilience in the face of adversity. When children see their parents overcoming adversity with grace and a positive attitude, they learn invaluable lessons about perseverance, adaptability, and emotional resilience. This shared experience fosters a stronger bond as your child discovers that it’s okay to be imperfect.


Building a strong parent-child relationship is a continuous process that requires commitment, patience, and a willingness to change. Prioritising open communication, quality time, encouraging independence, tailoring your parenting style, and accepting imperfection pave the way for a strong bond with your child. Start building a positive relationship with your child today!

Building a strong parent-child relationship

Managing screen time and academic performance of your child

Managing screen time and academic performance of your child

Screens are an inseparable part of our lives in the digital age. Children in particular spend a significant amount of time on screens, whether for educational or recreational purposes. While technology can provide valuable educational resources, excessive and unsupervised screen time has been linked to a drop in academic performance. Understanding the impact of screen time on your child’s academic success is critical for parents. In this blog post, we offer practical tips that parents can use to managing screen time and academic performance of your child.

1. Set realistic limits

Setting realistic limits is one of the most effective ways to manage screen time. Children may struggle to manage themselves, so it is up to parents to set limits. Make clear rules about screen time for both academic and recreational purposes. Make a daily schedule that includes time for homework, chores, outdoor activities, and screen time. Communicate your expectations to your child, developing structure and responsibility.

2. Encourage breaks and physical activity

Long periods of screen time can have a negative impact on a child’s focus and attention span. Allow for frequent breaks during study sessions to reduce eye strain and mental fatigue. Physical activity is also important; it not only helps to maintain overall health but also improves concentration. To provide a healthy balance of screen time and physical movement, suggest outdoor activities such as playing in the park or riding a bike.

3. Create a distraction-free study environment

Your child’s academic performance can be greatly influenced by the environment in which they study. Designate a quiet, clutter-free study space to reduce distractions. Make sure this area is well-lit and has all of the necessary study materials. You can help your child focus better on academic tasks by creating a stimulating atmosphere free of the constant allure of screens.

4. Engage in collaborative learning

Encourage parents and peers to participate in collaborative learning experiences. This not only provides a support system, but it also promotes accountability. Make time for group study sessions where children can collaborate on assignments or projects. In an academic setting, interacting with peers and family members can reduce the solitary nature of screen time and improve the learning experience.

5. Promote healthy sleep habits

Screen time and sleep have a well-established relationship. Excessive screen time, especially before bedtime, can disrupt sleep patterns and result in insufficient rest. Establish a consistent bedtime routine that includes a screen-free wind-down period. Encourage your child to read a book or do a calming activity before going to bed. You can help improve focus, memory retention, and overall academic performance by encouraging healthy sleep habits.


Managing screen time is a delicate but necessary aspect of fostering academic success in children. To strike a balance between the benefits of technology and its potential drawbacks, careful consideration and consistent effort are required. Parents can play an important role in their child’s academic journey by setting realistic limits, encouraging breaks and physical activity, creating a distraction-free study environment, promoting collaborative learning, and prioritising healthy sleep habits. It is not about completely eliminating screen time, but rather about finding a happy medium that allows for both learning and leisure. Your guidance and proactive involvement as parents can have a significant impact on your child’s academic achievements in the digital age.

Managing screen time and academic performance of your child

A parent's guide to helping children with anxiety

A parent’s guide to helping children with anxiety

Anxiety can have a significant impact on a child’s emotional well-being, and it is critical for parents to understand and support their children as they face these challenges. Here’s a comprehensive parent’s guide to helping children with anxiety by Alchemy Tuition, outlining steps parents can take to support their child’s emotional well-being while navigating academic demands and anxiety triggers.

1. Understanding the root causes

Anxiety in children requires a holistic approach, with the first step being to identify the underlying causes. Anxiety in children can come from a variety of sources, and it frequently manifests itself in their behaviours and emotions. One possible cause is academic stress. Academic stress is a common trigger, leading to feelings of failure or pressure. It is critical to approach this with empathy, understanding, and an exploration of potential solutions to lighten their academic load without jeopardising their learning progress.

2. Managing academic stressors

Building a welcoming learning environment can significantly reduce academic anxiety. Encourage open communication about schoolwork, offering assistance without putting unnecessary stress on the child. To avoid overwhelming academic stress, implement practical study routines and breaks. Consider tutoring from Alchemy Tuition or other alternatives, which provides targeted support in difficult subjects while fostering confidence and competence.

3. Promoting emotional well-being

Emotional well-being is critical in overcoming anxiety. Encourage your child to freely express their emotions by creating an open and accepting environment at home. Engage in relaxing activities, such as reading, drawing, or spending quality time together, to allow them to unwind and decompress from daily stressors.

4. Encouraging healthy habits

To support your child’s overall well-being, incorporate healthy habits into their daily routine. Adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, and regular exercise all help to reduce anxiety levels significantly. These habits improve their physical health while also increasing their mental resilience and ability to deal with stress effectively.

5. Developing coping mechanisms

Providing your child with coping strategies is essential for anxiety management. Teach them relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or mindfulness practices, to help them deal with stressful situations. Encourage positive self-talk by affirming their abilities and offering reassurance in difficult situations.

6. Seeking professional help

While tutoring services such as Alchemy Tuition provide academic assistance, it is important to recognise when professional intervention is required for anxiety-related concerns. Anxiety is treated by mental health professionals who can provide tailored strategies and therapies to manage and alleviate its impact on your child’s life.

Conclusion: Parent’s guide to helping children with anxiety

You can help your child manage their anxiety by identifying potential triggers, creating a supportive environment, and encouraging healthy habits. Seek professional help when necessary to ensure your child receives the comprehensive support he or she needs to thrive emotionally and academically.

A parent's guide to helping children with anxiety

Balancing schoolwork with extracurricular activities

Balancing schoolwork with extracurricular activities

The Alchemy Tuition guide for parents

Navigating your child’s complex landscape of academic and extracurricular commitments is a delicate dance for any parent. It’s a place where fulfilment and challenges collide, influencing your child’s overall development. Alchemy Tuition recognises the importance of this delicate balance and provides this comprehensive guide to assist parents in balancing schoolwork with extracurricular activities.

1. Understanding priorities and value

Understanding the significance of academic tasks and extracurricular activities is central to balancing them. It is critical to communicate to your child the importance of both academics and extracurricular activities. Teach them the value of time management, with an emphasis on realistic goal-setting and the importance of both domains in their overall growth and learning experience.

2. Crafting a well-structured schedule

Developing a structured timetable is the first step towards achieving balance. Develop a routine with your child that accommodates both school-related obligations and extracurricular interests. Make sure that this schedule is both practical and adaptable, allowing for flexibility while instilling discipline.

3. Setting clear boundaries

It is critical to encourage your child to set boundaries in order to avoid burnout. Teach them the value of saying no when their commitments become too much. This enables them to maintain balance in their lives and develop a healthier approach to time management.

4. Effective time management techniques

Give your child effective time management abilities. To organise their tasks, deadlines, and extracurricular commitments, use tools such as planners or digital calendars. Assist them in determining priorities based on urgency and importance, fostering a more efficient approach to time management.

5. Promoting open communication

Encourage open communication between your child, his or her teachers, and extracurricular supervisors. This fosters an environment in which everyone is aware of your child’s commitments, allowing for necessary adjustments and garnering the support required for their success in both spheres.

6. Prioritising quality over quantity

Teach your child the importance of value over quantity. Rather than overloading them with activities, encourage them to focus on a few that they truly enjoy and in which they can fully invest themselves. This method encourages deeper engagement and skill development.

7. Prioritizing rest and relaxation

In the middle of a busy schedule, stress the importance of rest and relaxation. Assist your child in scheduling adequate sleep and breaks. A well-rested mind is better able to excel both academically and in extracurricular activities.

8. Seeking help and advice

Encourage your child to seek assistance or guidance when necessary. Whether it’s clarification from teachers or considering tutoring support from Alchemy Tuition, instill in them the idea that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Balancing schoolwork with extracurricular activities

Finding a balance between schoolwork and extracurricular activities is a journey that requires perseverance and flexibility. You give your child important life skills by instilling values like balance, time management, and effective communication. As their parent, you empower them to flourish, succeed, and thrive in both academic and extracurricular pursuits.

Balancing schoolwork with extracurricular activities for your child

Simple and effective mental health activities for kids

Simple and effective mental health activities for kids

An Alchemy Tuition’s guide for parents

In today’s world, caring for children’s mental health is just as important as caring for their physical health. Including activities that promote mental wellness from a young age can have long-term benefits. We at Alchemy Tuition recognise the importance of mental health in a child’s development. This guide provides simple and effective mental health activities for kids that parents can incorporate into their child’s routine to help them maintain their mental health.

1. Mindfulness exercises

To begin with, mindfulness exercises can help children manage their emotions significantly and can have a significant impact on their mental health. Deep breathing exercises, guided imagery, and mindful coloring can all help kids manage stress and improve focus. Encourage them to practice mindfulness for a few minutes each day.

2. Play and physical activity

Furthermore, engaging in playful activities allows for an outlet of energy and emotions. Physical activity not only benefits the body but also helps with mental health. Encourage kids to participate in fun activities they enjoy, such as riding bikes, sports, or dancing. Regular physical activity releases endorphins, which reduce stress and improve mood.

3. Journaling or drawing

Furthermore, journaling or drawing feelings allows children to creatively express themselves. Children can benefit from expressing their emotions through writing or drawing. Encourage them to keep a journal or draw pictures of their emotions. This practice promotes self-awareness and emotional intelligence by helping children understand and articulate their emotions.

4. Healthy sleep habits

Equally important, establishing a calming bedtime routine can positively impact a child’s sleep. Adequate sleep is essential for good mental health. Create a relaxing bedtime routine for your child and make sure he or she follows a consistent sleep schedule. Sufficient sleep improves cognitive function, mood, and overall well-being.

5. Encourage open communication

Furthermore, encouraging open communication fosters trust and assists children in navigating their emotions. Make a safe environment in which your child can express their thoughts and emotions. Encourage open debate and active listening. This builds trust and assists children in effectively navigating their emotions.

Simple and effective mental health activities for kids

Keeping your child’s mental health in check is an ongoing process that requires attention and care. As parents, it is critical to monitor your child’s behavior, mood swings, and any signs of distress. If you notice persistent changes in their behavior or emotions, it is critical that you seek professional help from a counselor, therapist, or mental health expert.

You can help your child’s mental health by incorporating these simple yet effective activities into their daily routine. Remember that supporting a child’s mental health is a journey that takes time, understanding, and consistent effort. At Alchemy Tuition, we believe in nurturing children’s overall well-being as well as academic success, ensuring that they thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Simple and effective mental health activities for kids

Is homework good or bad?

Is homework good or bad?

The pros and cons of homework

The age-old debate about homework frequently leaves parents wondering about its worth. At Alchemy Tuition, we aim to solve this conundrum by investigating the benefits and drawbacks of homework. Let’s explore the world of homework, learning about its benefits while addressing potential issues to help your child’s learning experience. Here are the answers you’ve been looking for, whether homework is good or bad and what are the pros and cons for your child’s journey.

The pros of homework

1. Reinforces learning

Homework reinforces classroom lessons by providing opportunities for your child to practise and solidify their understanding. Encourage your child to see homework as an opportunity to reinforce what they’ve learned, making connections between class lessons and the tasks assigned to them.

2. Promotes accountability and time management

Children develop important skills such as time management and responsibility by completing assignments on their own. Assist your child in developing a homework routine, including the creation of a dedicated study space and the allocation of specific times for completing tasks.

3. Encourages self-discipline and persistence

Homework teaches students discipline and perseverance. It teaches children to solve problems on their own, which increases resilience and self-confidence. Encourage a growth mindset by rewarding effort rather than the end result.

4. Improves parental involvement

Homework can reveal information about your child’s learning progress. It allows for parental involvement, allowing you to understand your child’s strengths and areas for improvement. Help your child by providing guidance and assistance without completely taking over the task.

The cons of homework

1. Potential for overload

Excessive homework can cause stress and burnout, which can harm a child’s overall well-being. It’s critical to strike a balance between work and play. Communicate with teachers if you notice your child’s homework becoming overwhelming.

2. Limited time for other activities

Homework overload can interfere with family time, extracurricular activities, and play. It is critical to strike a balance between academics and other aspects of a child’s life. Help your child prioritise tasks and manage time effectively in order to accommodate multiple activities.

3. Potential source of tension

Homework completion can sometimes cause conflict between parents and children. It is critical to create a positive environment and to offer encouragement rather than pressure. Encourage open communication to better understand your child’s homework difficulties.

4. Potential of monotonous tasks

Repetitive homework tasks may not always correspond to a child’s learning style or interests, making learning less engaging. Encourage your child’s creativity in approaching tasks by allowing him or her to experiment with different ways to complete assignments.

Is homework good or bad? The pros and cons of homework

At Alchemy Tuition, we understand the importance of homework in reinforcing learning. However, we recognise the significance of maintaining a balanced approach. Homework can be a valuable tool in your child’s educational journey if the positives are capitalised on and the challenges are addressed. Encourage a positive attitude towards homework, and keep in mind that we are here to help your child learn every step of the way.

Is homework good or bad

What is the best time to study?
An elementary school student sits at a table with a lamp and writes something in a notebook.

What is the best time to study?

Finding your child’s prime-time for studying

Understanding the optimal time for studying can significantly impact a child’s learning journey. At Alchemy Tuition, we recognize the importance of maximizing study efficiency while maintaining a healthy balance. Let’s explore how to help your child find the best study time as well as the importance of customization.

1. Understanding personal rhythms

Each child has his or her own internal clock. Some people thrive in the early morning, when their minds are clear and alert. Others find their peak concentration later in the day. The first step in maximising your child’s study sessions is to encourage them to identify their moments of heightened concentration.

2. Flexibility and experimentation

It is priceless to encourage flexibility in your child’s study routine. Your child can discover when they are most productive by experimenting with different study times. Allow them to experiment with studying at different times of the day to determine their optimal learning period.

3. Figuring out peak concentration periods

While mornings are often thought to be ideal for learning due to increased alertness following sleep, some children may find their peak concentration later in the day. Understanding these peak periods can help them learn more effectively.

4. Stay away from cramming

Emphasize the importance of regular study intervals over cramming. Short, focused study sessions spread throughout the day are more effective than long, exhausting periods. This method improves retention and lowers stress levels.

5. Crafting an optimal study environment

It is critical to create a distraction-free study environment. Minimising interruptions, creating a dedicated study area, and cultivating a calm environment can all help your child focus during study sessions.

6. Balancing study and rest

Encourage adequate rest and breaks. A well-rested mind is better able to absorb information. Encourage your child to take short breaks between study sessions and to get enough sleep for optimal cognitive function.

7. Embracing individual variations

Individual differences in study preferences should be recognised and celebrated. What works well for one child may not work well for another. The ability to adapt your child’s study routine to their natural rhythms and inclinations is enabled by flexibility.

Best study time: Finding your child’s prime-time for studying

It is critical to recognise that each child is wonderfully unique when attempting to determine the “best” study time. It is critical to understand and accommodate their natural rhythms and preferences.

At Alchemy Tuition, we value diversity. Our tutoring approach is based on recognising and embracing each child’s uniqueness. We create personalised study plans that meet their specific needs, fostering a love of learning that is tailored to their individual learning style.

Finding the best study time for your child is an ongoing process. You empower your child to discover their optimal study routine by guiding and allowing room for experimentation, fostering not only academic success but also a lifelong enthusiasm for learning.

Start finding the best time to study for your child today! Contact us Alchemy Tuition, where we explore and develop the best study strategies together!

What is the best time to study?

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