
Why personalised learning is always better?

23 September 2024
23 September 2024 Justin Valderama

Every child is unique, with their talents, limitations, and learning styles. However, in a typical classroom environment, when one teacher is responsible for a large number of children, it is practically difficult to meet each child’s specific needs. This is where personalised learning comes into play. Personalised learning, particularly one-on-one tutoring, provides a personalised educational experience that may make a huge impact on your child’s academic path, as opposed to the generic teaching style used in schools. But why personalised learning is always better? Let’s explore the reasons why.

1. Addressing individual learning styles

One of the most significant benefits of personalised learning is that it allows teachers to focus on your child’s unique learning styles. Not all children learn the same way—some are visual learners who benefit from diagrams and pictures, while others are auditory learners who understand things better through listening and discussion. Teachers in traditional classrooms frequently use a one-size-fits-all approach due to time restrictions and the need to cover a broad curriculum.

However, with personalised learning, a teacher may tailor their teaching techniques to your child’s chosen learning style. For example, if your child prefers hands-on learning, the tutor might include more practical tasks and experiments. This individualised approach ensures that your child learns the subject in a way that makes sense to them, resulting in improved retention and understanding.

2. Focusing on specific academic needs

Each child excels in certain areas while struggling in others. In a school context, a child’s deficiencies might easily go unrecognised, especially if they are quiet or afraid to seek assistance. This can lead to information gaps hindering their performance in subsequent years.

Personalised learning, on the other hand, enables tutors to detect and address individual academic requirements. If your child is struggling with a certain topic or idea, a tutor may devote additional time to reinforce that area until they feel confident. This tailored support not only assists in overcoming academic hurdles but also prevents minor issues from snowballing into larger problems in the future.

3. Building confidence and motivation

A child’s capacity to learn is heavily influenced by their level of confidence. In a crowded classroom, some students may feel overwhelmed or frightened, particularly if they do not absorb the content as fast as their peers. This might lead to a lack of desire and a negative outlook on learning.

With personalised learning, the tutor works at your child’s speed, ensuring that they thoroughly comprehend each subject before progressing. This gradual development fosters confidence in your child as they witness their improvement over time. In addition, tutors frequently give positive feedback and encouragement, which increases motivation. When children are confident and motivated, they are more likely to participate in their studies and do better.

4. Flexible and convenient

Another key advantage of personalised learning is the flexibility it provides. In school, your child must adhere to a strict schedule, which can sometimes conflict with their ideal learning hours. Some children are more concentrated in the morning, but others may find it easier to concentrate in the afternoon or evening.

Personalised tutoring allows you to arrange lessons at times that are convenient for your child. This flexibility might lead to more effective learning sessions since your child will be more awake and interested. Furthermore, tutoring sessions may be scheduled around extracurricular activities or family responsibilities, making it an ideal choice for busy families.

5. Creating a safe and comfortable learning environment

The learning environment greatly influences a child’s capacity to acquire and remember information. Distractions are widespread in conventional classrooms, whether they are caused by other students’ loudness, the pressure to keep up with the class, or the fear of being criticised for asking questions. Some children may struggle to focus and perform to their full potential due to these problems.

However, personalised learning creates a secure and comfortable setting in which your child can study without interruptions. Whether the sessions are held at home or in a private study area, the one-on-one format allows children to ask questions openly, make mistakes without fear, and learn at their speed. This loving environment reduces anxiety and tension, making studying a more joyful and productive experience.


In today’s fast-paced and competitive educational environment, it is more essential than ever to ensure that your child has the necessary assistance to succeed. While traditional schooling has some advantages, it frequently falls short of meeting each student’s unique needs. Personalised learning, on the other hand, provides a tailored approach that takes into account your child’s learning style, academic demands, and speed.

By investing in personalised tutoring, you provide your child with the skills they need to succeed academically and beyond. The advantages of customised learning are obvious, whether it’s about increasing confidence, bridging knowledge gaps, or establishing a comfortable learning atmosphere. At Alchemy Tuition, we are dedicated to assisting your child in reaching their best potential through personalised teaching that suits their requirements. Because education is not one-size-fits-all, and your child needs the greatest possible assistance on their learning path.

Why personalised learning is always better?

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