
The Alchemy Tuition Blog

How to communicate with your child’s tutor

How to communicate with your child’s tutor

Your child’s education is a collaborative effort that requires the active participation and engagement of both parents and tutors. Establishing effective communication channels with your child’s tutor will ensure that your child receives the personalised support and guidance they require to succeed in school. In this blog post, we’ll go over strategies on how to communicate with your child’s tutor, fostering a strong partnership focused on your child’s academic success.

1. Regular check-ins

Proactive communication is essential for staying informed about your child’s academic progress and addressing any concerns in a timely manner. Schedule regular check-ins with your child’s tutor to discuss their performance, areas for improvement, and future goals. These meetings are excellent opportunities to share feedback, track progress, and collaborate on strategies to support your child’s learning journey.

2. Ask for feedback

Do not hesitate to seek feedback from your child’s tutor on their academic performance and learning needs. Understanding your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development will allow you to tailor your home support more effectively. Encourage the tutor to share their observations, assessments, and recommendations for improving your child’s learning experience. This collaborative approach ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal: maximising your child’s academic potential.

3. Share relevant information

Give the tutor relevant information about your child’s learning style, interests, and any obstacles they may be facing. Sharing this information enables the tutor to tailor their teaching approach to your child’s specific needs, whether they prefer visual learning tools or struggle with time management. Additionally, inform the tutor of any external factors or changes in your child’s life that may impact their academic performance. This comprehensive understanding enables the tutor to provide targeted support and intervention as needed.

4. Be open to suggestions

Approach your communication with the tutor with an open mind and a desire to collaborate. Remember that the tutor is a professional with valuable knowledge and insights into your child’s academic performance. Be open to their suggestions, strategies, and recommendations for improving your child’s educational experience. By developing a collaborative partnership based on mutual respect and trust, you can effectively use the tutor’s expertise to help your child’s academic growth.

5. Follow-up on action items

To ensure accountability and progress, follow up on any action items or recommendations discussed during each tutoring session. Implement any strategies or interventions discussed during the meeting, and track your child’s response and progress over time. Regular follow-up demonstrates your commitment to your child’s education and emphasises the role of the parent-tutor partnership in promoting academic success.


Effective communication between parents and tutors is critical for enabling your child’s academic potential and creating a positive learning environment. You can build a strong partnership with your child’s tutor by initiating regular check-ins, soliciting feedback, sharing relevant information, remaining open to suggestions, and following up on action items. Together, you can work towards a common goal of supporting your child’s academic development and empowering them to succeed in school and beyond. Begin implementing these communication strategies today to help your child thrive in their educational journey with Alchemy Tuition.

How to communicate with your child’s tutor

How to support your children’s dreams

How to support your children’s dreams

Every child has dreams and aspirations, including becoming an astronaut, an artist, a doctor, or a dancer. As parents, it’s our role to support and nurture these dreams, helping our children turn their aspirations into reality. In a fast-paced and competitive world, supporting our children’s dreams requires more than just encouragement—it requires action. In this blog post, we will look at steps you can take to help your children pursue their dreams with confidence and determination.

1. Exploring passions and talents

Encourage your child to pursue a variety of interests and activities, allowing them to discover their passions and talents. Provide opportunities for hands-on learning and exposure to a variety of topics, whether through extracurricular activities, hobbies, or educational programmes. Encourage your child’s curiosity by asking questions, experimenting, and learning through discovery. By encouraging exploration, you help your child identify their interests and strengths, laying the groundwork for them to pursue their dreams with purpose and enthusiasm.

2. Provide support and resources

Provide your child with the support and resources they need to pursue their dreams, whether it’s access to educational materials, mentorship, or financial assistance. Encourage them to set goals and devise a plan to achieve them, while providing guidance and encouragement along the way. Be proactive in seeking out opportunities and resources that match your child’s interests and goals, whether that means enrolling them in enrichment programmes, connecting them with mentors, or investing in educational tools and materials. By providing support and resources, you enable your child to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams with confidence and determination.

3. Overcoming challenges and setbacks

Encourage your child to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, and teach them the value of resilience and determination in pursuing their goals. Help them develop problem-solving abilities and a positive attitude, viewing setbacks as temporary roadblocks on the way to success. Be the model for them. Celebrate their accomplishments, no matter how small, and remind them that failure is not a reflection of their value, but rather a stepping stone to success. By fostering resilience and determination, you equip your child with the tools and mindset they need to overcome challenges and pursue their dreams with courage and conviction.


Supporting your children’s dreams involves more than just encouraging them; it also entails taking action to enable them to pursue their passions and achieve their full potential. Parents can foster a nurturing environment in which their children’s dreams may come true by encouraging exploration, providing support and resources, and instilling resilience and determination. At Alchemy Tuition, we are dedicated to assisting parents in nurturing their children’s aspirations by providing personalised tutoring services and educational resources that will help children succeed academically and beyond. Let us work together to empower our children to dream big and reach for the stars, while also providing them with the tools and support they need to make their dreams reality.

How to support your children’s dreams

Different learning styles to maximise your child’s education

Every child is a unique learner, with distinct preferences and strengths that influence how they comprehend and retain information. Education is not one-size-fits-all, nor are our children’s learning styles. Without a thorough understanding of their child’s distinct learning style, these efforts may fall short of realising their full potential. Alchemy Tuition understands the importance of understanding these differences in order to provide tailored learning experiences that are meaningful to each child. Here are the different learning styles to maximise your child’s education.

1. Visual learners

Some children are visual learners, which means that they prefer to process information using images, charts, and spatial representations. These students excel when given visual aids and demonstrations that bring concepts to life. To engage visual learners, consider including activities like:

  • Creating colourful mind maps or diagrams to help organise information.
  • Watching educational videos or documentaries about the topic at hand.
  • Using image-based flashcards to reinforce key concepts.
  • Drawing or sketching to represent ideas and concepts.

Parents can improve their child’s understanding and retention of information by making use of their visual strengths, resulting in a more engaging and effective learning experience.

2. Auditory learners

Auditory learners prefer to learn by hearing, so they use verbal explanations, discussions, and auditory cues. These learners excel in environments where they can actively listen and participate in meaningful conversations. To help auditory learners, consider including activities like:

  • Reading aloud and discussing the material.
  • Listening to audiobooks or podcasts about relevant topics.
  • Using mnemonic devices or songs to help you remember information.

Engaging in dialogue and debate to gain a deeper understanding. Parents can help their child develop auditory skills and a deeper connection to the material by providing opportunities for active listening and verbal interaction.

3. Kinesthetic learners

Kinesthetic learners benefit from hands-on experiences and physical activities that stimulate their senses and motor skills. These students thrive when they are able to touch, move, and manipulate objects to grasp concepts. To accommodate kinesthetic learners, consider including activities such as:

  • Conducting scientific experiments or hands-on demonstrations.
  • Using role-playing or dramatic play to investigate real-life scenarios.
  • Using manipulatives like blocks or puzzles to demonstrate abstract ideas.
  • Incorporating movement breaks and physical activities into educational sessions.

Parents can encourage active learning and retention by allowing their child to engage in tangible exploration and movement.


Understanding your child’s learning style is important for helping them reach their full potential and develop a lifelong love of learning. Parents can tailor educational experiences that are relevant to their child’s individual strengths and abilities by recognising and embracing their unique preferences. Alchemy Tuition is here to help you with your child’s learning style, whether they are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. We enable children to achieve success academically and beyond by providing personalised tutoring sessions and engaging activities that cater to a variety of learning styles. Let us work together for the children’s bright future.

Understanding different learning styles to maximize your child's education

Parenting styles you should try

Parenting styles you should try

When it comes to raising our kids, we parents often get mixed messages. Finding a strategy that meets your child’s specific requirements and personality while still being effective is what counts most. Every child is different and presents different problems for parents, thus each child needs a customised approach to bring out the best in them. Parents look for guidance on how to assist their children’s academic and personal growth in Australia, a country that places a high priority on education. Parents may feel overwhelmed and uncertain about their next move due to the diversity of parenting approaches. Fear not, here are research-based parenting styles you should try depending on you’re child’s own uniqueness and needs.

1. Authoritarian parenting

Research repeatedly reveals that authoritative parenting is one of the most effective ways to promote child growth. In contrast to authoritarian parents who enforce harsh rules with little space for argument or permissive parents who give too much freedom, authoritative parents maintains a balance. They set clear expectations and encourage open communication and mutual respect.

To adopt authoritative parenting, first set clear rules and standards for your kid. Encourage open communication and active listening so that your kid may communicate their views and feelings without fear of being criticised. Give constant support and direction but still allowing for independence and self-reliance within reasonable limitations.

⁤2. Positive parenting ⁤

Maintaining a growth mindset is crucial for both academic performance and personal development. Positive parenting, based on encouragement, empathy, and constructive feedback, is a great fit with this concept. Positive parents prioritise hard work and dedication over natural talents. ⁤

To practice good parenting, develop a helpful and encouraging home environment. Celebrate your child’s efforts and accomplishments, regardless of the outcome. Encourage individuals to view problems as opportunities for growth and learning, highlighting the importance of resilience and perseverance. ⁤ Give constructive comments and praise to promote positive behaviours and attitudes. Fostering a development attitude can help your child handle problems with confidence and commitment.

3. Attachment parenting

The level of a child’s connection to their parents has a significant impact on their development after birth. Attachment parenting, which is characterised by responsiveness, emotional availability, and physical intimacy, prioritises building a stable relationships between parent and child.

Prioritise responsive and attentive caring while using attachment parenting, satisfying your child’s needs quickly and consistently. Cuddling, babywearing, and skin-to-skin contact may all build emotions of security and connection. Pay attention to your child’s indications and signals, and respond to their emotional needs while providing comfort and reassurance as required. The idea is to establish a compassionate and supportive atmosphere in which your child feels free to explore and express themselves “authentically”. By developing a strong attachment bond, you lay a foundation for healthy relationships and mental health.


Parenting can be difficult, but with evidence-based strategies and practical advice, you can be confident in your journey. Whether your child thrives in a structured environment, needs encouragement and support, or craves comfort and connection, there is a parenting style that will meet their specific needs. Alchemy Tuition believes in providing parents with the knowledge and tools they need to fully develop their children’s potential. You can create a loving and supportive environment for your child by practicing a parenting style tailored to their personality and preferences, as well as implementing practical strategies. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting, but with patience and understanding, you can be the best parent for your child.

Parenting styles you should try

How often should your child see a tutor?

How often should your child see a tutor?

As parents, we want to ensure that our children receive the best education possible, which sometimes requires seeking additional assistance outside of the classroom. The question is “How often should your child see a tutor?” It’s a critical decision that will have a significant impact on their academic future. Tutoring has become an important resource for many families. Whether you want to catch up, stay ahead, or delve deeper into a subject, finding the right balance of tutoring sessions can help your child reach their full potential. However, with different schedules, goals, and commitments, determining the best frequency can be like navigating a maze. Don’t worry, Alchemy Tuition will help you solve this problem.

1. Once a week: Establishing a solid foundation

Beginning with one tutoring session per week can provide a solid foundation for your child’s academic journey. Think of it like planting seeds in a garden; consistency is essential for growth. Weekly sessions allow your child to receive targeted support in areas where they may struggle or require reinforcement. This frequency allows your child enough time between sessions to digest concepts and practice independently, instilling a sense of ownership in their learning. It also provides a structured routine without overwhelming your child or encroaching too much on their free time, allowing for a healthy balance between academics and other activities.

2. Twice a week: accelerating progress

Increasing the frequency to twice a week is like adding fuel to a fire; it sparks rapid progress and momentum in your child’s learning journey. With two sessions, your child will receive more personalised attention and immediate feedback, allowing them to address any issues more quickly. This frequency is especially beneficial for students who want to make significant progress in a short period of time, such as preparing for standardised tests or filling gaps in foundational knowledge. It also instills discipline and commitment in your child as they learn to manage their time effectively in the midst of a hectic schedule.

3. Three times a week: intensive support for mastery

Choosing three tutoring sessions per week indicates a commitment to mastery, similar to training for a marathon. It’s an intensive approach ideal for students facing significant academic challenges or aspiring to excellence in competitive fields. With three sessions, your child can delve deeper into complex topics, gain extensive practice, and receive ongoing guidance and mentorship from their tutor. This frequency not only accelerates academic progress, but also develops your child’s resilience and determination as they face challenges head on. However, it is critical to strike a balance and ensure that your child has enough time for rest and relaxation despite their hectic schedule.


When it comes to education, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to tutoring frequency. It’s a complex decision that depends on your child’s specific needs, goals, and learning style, as well as your family’s schedule and priorities. Consider the benefits of different frequencies—whether it’s once a week for steady progress, twice a week for accelerated growth, or three times a week for intensive support—and tailor your child’s tutoring experience to align with your parental goals. Remember, at Alchemy Tuition, we’re with you every step of the way, guiding your child to academic success and lifelong learning.

How often should your child see a tutor?

How to ensure my child’s safety with a tutor

How to ensure my child’s safety with a tutor

As parents, our top priority is always the safety and well-being of our kids. When it comes to tutoring, whether online or in-home, we must first ensure our child’s safety and security. However, getting a tutoring service can be difficult, and safety concerns might pop up. At Alchemy Tuition, we understand your concerns and are committed to providing your child with a safe and nurturing learning environment. In this blog post, we’ll look at some key strategies on how to ensure your child’s safety with a tutor, whether they take place online or at home.

1. Selecting a trustworthy tutor

Finding a trustworthy tutor is the first step towards keeping your child safe during tutoring sessions. Just as you would carefully select a babysitter or daycare provider, potential tutors must be thoroughly researched and screened. Look for reputable tutoring services, such as Alchemy Tuition, that conduct thorough background checks and selection processes on their tutors. Additionally, request references and testimonials from other parents to ensure that the tutor is trustworthy and experienced. Trust your instincts and select a tutor you are comfortable entrusting with your child’s education and well-being.

2. Setting clear boundaries and expectations

Setting clear boundaries and expectations is essential for creating a safe and respectful learning environment during tutoring sessions. Before the first session, talk with your child and the tutor about what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour. Encourage open communication and inform your child that they can come to you if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe during a tutoring session. Similarly, communicate to the tutor your expectations for punctuality, professionalism, and compliance with safety procedures. Establishing clear guidelines from the start can help to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

3. Using technology safeguards for online tutoring

In today’s digital age, online tutoring has grown in popularity, providing convenience and flexibility to both students and tutors. However, you must take precautions to keep your child safe during online tutoring sessions. Choose reputable online tutoring platforms, such as Alchemy Tuition, that value security and privacy. Make sure the platform uses secure encryption to protect your child’s personal information and communications. Consider using parental controls and monitoring software to monitor your child’s online activity and ensure they only access appropriate content during tutoring sessions. By utilising technology safeguards, you can add an extra layer of protection to your child’s online learning experience.

4. Balancing protection without hindrance

While it is critical to prioritise your child’s safety during tutoring sessions, you must also avoid becoming overly intrusive or impeding their learning. Trusting your child’s tutor and allowing them to work independently helps your child develop a sense of responsibility and autonomy. Maintain open lines of communication with both your child and the tutor, and check in on a regular basis to ensure that everything is running smoothly. Encourage your child to share their experiences and concerns with you, and address any issues in a timely and respectful manner. By striking a balance between protection and independence, you can ensure that your child feels safe and supported while also allowing them to learn.


As parents, it’s your responsibility to ensure your child’s safety with a tutor during tutoring sessions. You can create a safe and nurturing learning environment for your child by hiring a reputable tutor, setting clear boundaries and expectations, using technology safeguards for online tutoring, and striking a balance between protection and autonomy. At Alchemy Tuition, we are dedicated to providing excellent tutoring services while prioritising your child’s safety and well-being. With these strategies in place, you can rest assured that your child is in capable hands during their tutoring sessions.

Your children finished their first tutoring session. Now what?

Your children finished their first tutoring session. Now what?

So, your children finished their first tutoring session. Now what? It’s natural for a parent to be both excited and nervous about what comes next. Following your child’s first tutoring session, you might be wondering what to do next. Perhaps you’re not sure if tutoring is a good fit for your child, or if the tutor’s teaching style matches your child’s learning needs. It is common to have questions and concerns following the first session, but keep in mind that this is only the beginning of the journey. Here’s a quick guide on what’s your next step.

1. Assessing the first session

The first step after your child’s initial tutoring session is to evaluate how things went. Consider your child’s feedback and observations to see if the tutor’s teaching style resonated with them and if they felt at ease during the session. Keep in mind that the first session is a learning experience for both your child and the tutor, so some adjustments are expected.

2. Communicating with the tutor

Open communication with the tutor is essential for ensuring your child’s tutoring experience is successful. If you have any concerns or feedback after the first session, please contact the tutor to discuss it. They will appreciate your feedback and can make any necessary changes to better meet your child’s educational needs. Remember that the tutor is there to help your child succeed, so don’t be afraid to express your ideas and concerns.

3. Consider additional sessions

While the first tutoring session may not have gone perfectly, it is critical to give it some time before making any decisions about continuing with tutoring. Academic progress, like Rome, is not something that happens overnight. If tutoring has the potential to benefit your child and the tutor’s teaching style is appropriate for their learning needs, consider scheduling additional sessions to give it a fair chance. Remember that progress takes time, so don’t be discouraged if your child doesn’t see results right away after the first session.

4. Monitoring progress

After your child has completed a few tutoring sessions, monitor their progress and determine whether tutoring is having a positive impact. Keep track of your child’s academic performance, confidence levels, and attitude towards learning to see if tutoring is helping them achieve their objectives. If you notice improvements in these areas, it’s a good indication that tutoring is helping your child.


Navigating the path forward after your child’s first tutoring session may appear daunting, but with the right approach, you can position your child for success. Assessing the first session, communicating with the tutor, planning additional sessions, and tracking progress are all critical steps in ensuring your child gets the most out of their tutoring experience. Remember that progress takes time; therefore, be patient and trust the process.

Are you ready to take the next step in helping your child succeed academically? Contact Alchemy Tuition today to schedule additional tutoring sessions and continue on your path to academic success!

Your children finished their first tutoring session. Now what?

Are parents hurting children by pushing them to achieve?

Are parents hurting children by pushing them to achieve?

As parents, we all want the best for our kids. We dream of their success and work tirelessly to ensure that they have every opportunity to achieve their goals. However, in our pursuit of these goals, are parents hurting children by pushing them to achieve, and are we unintentionally placing too much pressure on our children? These questions that many parents, particularly in today’s competitive society, struggle with. At Alchemy Tuition, we understand the balance parents must strike between encouraging their children’s ambitions and ensuring their well-being. Instead of relying solely on pressure to motivate achievement, it is time to encourage our children to reach their full potential. Here’s how you could do it!

1. Replace pressure with encouragement

Encouragement is like sunshine on a rainy day; it lifts our children’s spirits and fuels their development. Instead of constantly pushing our children to succeed, words of encouragement can make all the difference. Imagine a young seedling growing from the soil and reaching the light of the sun. Similarly, when parents give their children praise and support, they give them the nourishment they need to continue growing. Parents develop confidence and motivation in their children by acknowledging and celebrating their achievements, empowering them to face challenges with resilience and determination.

2. Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation fuels our children’s desire to learn and grow. Instead of using external rewards or punishments to motivate our children, we can inspire them from within, resulting in long-term success. Consider a young explorer setting on a grand adventure, driven by curiosity and excitement. Similarly, children who are intrinsically motivated approach their studies with enthusiasm and engagement, eager to learn new ideas and concepts. By cultivating this innate drive, parents lay the groundwork for a lifelong love of learning in their children, empowering them to pursue their passions with zest and zeal.

3. Balancing achievement and well-being

Achieving a balance between academic success and personal well-being is critical to our children’s overall development. Instead of focusing on grades and achievements at the expense of our children’s mental and emotional health, encouraging them to live balanced lives can lead to increased happiness and fulfilment. Picture a skilled juggler effortlessly keeping multiple balls in the air. Similarly, parents can help their children cope with the demands of school and extracurricular activities by encouraging downtime, promoting hobbies and interests outside of academics, and emphasising self-care. Parents can help their children succeed academically, emotionally, and socially by modelling healthy behaviours and emphasising the importance of balance.


Are parents hurting children by pushing them to achieve? When there’s pressure, most of the time. While it is natural for parents to want their children to succeed, we must consider the impact of our approach on their well-being. At Alchemy Tuition, we believe that inspiration, not pressure, is the key to exposing our children’s true potential. By focusing our efforts on encouraging and supporting our children, we create a nurturing environment in which they will succeed academically and emotionally. Let us inspire our children to reach for the stars, knowing that their journey to success is backed by our complete trust in their abilities and potential.

Are parents hurting children by pushing them to achieve?

How to motivate your teenager to study

How to motivate your teenager to study

As a parent, you know that motivating your teenager to study can feel like attempting to solve a Rubik’s Cube while blindfolded. It’s a challenge, to say the least. But do not be afraid! With the right approach, you can make them motivated and get them excited about studying. Here’s a quick guide for you on how to motivate your teenagers to study.

1. Understand their why

To motivate your teenager to study, you must first understand their “why.” What are their goals, aspirations, and dreams? By understanding their deeper drives, you can tailor your approach to what is most important to them. Your teen aspires to be a doctor, a businessman, or an engineer? Remind them that studying hard now is the first step towards realising that dream. By connecting their current efforts to their long-term goals, you can help them see the value of studying.

2. Make it relevant

Let’s face it! Shakespeare and algebra may not seem particularly relevant to your teenager’s life right now. However, by making the material relevant, you may capture their interest and motivation. If your teen is struggling with math, use real-life scenarios like budgeting or calculating discounts while shopping. You can make studying more meaningful and engaging by demonstrating how these skills can be applied in their daily lives.

3. Positive environment

Creating a positive study environment at home can boost your teenager’s motivation. Make sure they have a quiet, well-lit area free of distractions where they can focus on their studies. Additionally, offer words of encouragement and support, demonstrating that you believe in their abilities. A little positivity can go a long way towards increasing their confidence and motivation to face their studies head on.

4. Set clear expectations

Clarity is essential when it comes to encouraging your teenager to study. Sit down with them and discuss your expectations for their academic performance. Be clear about your expectations in terms of grades, study habits, and responsibilities. Setting clear expectations gives your teen a road map to success and teaches them the value of staying on track with their studies.

5. Encourage breaks and rewards

Studying for hours on end with no breaks is a recipe for burnout. Encourage your teen to take frequent breaks to rest and recharge their batteries. Breaks, whether they are a quick walk around the block, a snack break, or a few minutes of stretching, can help you focus and be more productive. Consider implementing a reward system to encourage your teen’s studying efforts. Rewards, whether in the form of screen time, a special outing, or a small monetary reward for meeting their goals, can provide extra motivation to keep going.


Motivating your teenager to study may seem like a difficult task, but with the right approach, it is entirely possible. Understanding their motivations, making the material relevant, creating a positive environment, setting clear expectations, and incorporating breaks and rewards can all help to ignite their passion for learning and put them on the path to academic success.

How to motivate your teenager to study

Technology use for primary school children

Technology use for primary school children

Not long ago, “playtime” referred to scraping knees on the playground and trading stickers. Today, our kids are swiping screens and mastering tech before they can even tie their shoelaces. Dear parents, welcome to the twenty-first century, where using technology with primary school children is not just an option; it is a part of their world. But, before you start picturing your child as a pint-sized cyborg, consider how we can use technology to help them learn and grow. And don’t worry, we at Alchemy Tuition, your friendly neighbourhood tutoring service provider in Australia, are here to help you take advantage of technology use for primary school children.

1. Balance is everything

Imagine your child on a seesaw, holding a book in one hand and a tablet in the other. What is our mission? Keeping the seesaw in perfect balance. It is all about moderation. Too many cookies can cause a stomach ache, and too much screen time can cause a brain ache. Encourage a variety of activities, including digital, physical, and imaginative ones. It’s like making the perfect smoothie: a little of everything makes it just right.

2. Quality content hunt

Not all screen time is equal. Imagine the internet as a vast ocean. There is treasure under, but also a lot of seaweed. Our job is to guide our little pirates to the treasure – educational apps, enlightening videos, and games that teach math faster than you can say “arrr!” Alchemy Tuition specialises in mapping out these treasures and converting screen time into brain time.

3. Digital seatbelts for safety

Just as we teach our children to look both ways before crossing the street, we must also teach them how to navigate the digital world safely. This includes understanding privacy settings, knowing what information should never be shared online, and knowing when to speak with an adult about something they’ve seen on the screen. It’s the digital equivalent of the “stranger danger” conversation, which isn’t particularly enjoyable but extremely important.

4. The social butterfly effect

Technology can connect us in incredible ways, but it’s important to remind our children (and perhaps ourselves) that digital interactions should supplement, not replace, real-life friendships. Encourage your child to use technology to discover new ideas and share what they’ve learned with their friends. It’s about turning screen time into team time, with the digital world serving as a bridge rather than a barrier to human connection.


As we’ve explored technology, we’ve discovered that technology for primary school children is similar to any other aspect of parenting: it requires guidance, boundaries, and a dash of fun. We are raising well-rounded individuals by balancing screen time with outdoor time, selecting quality content, prioritising safety, and cultivating real-world connections.

Remember that in the wide ocean of technology, it is not about avoiding the water, but about learning to swim. And, with Alchemy Tuition, your child will be performing backstrokes in no time!

Technology use for primary school children

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