
how AI can be used to help your child’s education

12 August 2024
Posted in Schooling
12 August 2024 Justin Valderama

Technology is everywhere in modern life, from smartphones to smart homes, and it has become a growing part of education. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the technologies that is finding its way into classrooms, tutoring sessions, and even homework assignments. However, as exciting as AI may seem, it is crucial to realise that technology is a tool for support, not a magic wand that will fix all issues or perform the hard work for our children. As parents, you may be asking how AI can be used to help your child’s education without replacing their efforts or tempting them to cheat.

1. AI as a helpful tutor, not a replacement

AI can act as a tutor, constantly there to assist your child with math problems science facts, or even learning a new language. Consider it an extra assist, similar to a calculator or dictionary. For example, AI-powered applications may teach complex ideas in a variety of ways, provide step-by-step solutions, and even quiz your child until they understand. But here’s the thing, just as a calculator can’t solve a problem for you, AI can’t replace your child’s need to think, try, and grasp the subject for themselves. The idea is for AI to complement learning rather than take over the learning process.

2. Avoiding the temptation to cheat

One of the issues of AI is that it might make cheating simpler. For example, certain technologies may provide answers without explaining how to get there. However, using AI in this manner is not likely to benefit your child in the long term. It’s like duplicating someone else’s homework. You may get the grade, but you miss out on the learning. Instead, encourage your child to utilise AI to learn how to solve issues rather than simply obtaining answers. This allows students to develop skills and confidence that will serve them well beyond the school setting.

3. Personalised learning using AI

Every child learns differently. Some people learn visually, some learn via hearing, and some require a lot of practice before things connect. AI can help you personalise the learning experience to your child’s specific requirements. For example, if your child suffers with reading, AI can recommend books at their appropriate level or read aloud to them. If students excel in math, AI may provide progressively difficult challenges to keep them interested. This type of personalised learning can make education more interesting and successful, but keep in mind that AI is intended to guide rather than replace the job of a teacher or tutor. It’s similar to having a customised fitness plan—you still have to complete the exercises!

4. Encourage critical thinking and problem-solving

AI can give your child with questions or settings that need critical thinking and problem-solving skills rather than merely memorising data. For example, an AI programme may replicate real-life circumstances, such as operating a virtual business or managing a budget, in which your child must make decisions and observe the consequences of those actions. This type of learning is more engaging and promotes the development of essential life skills. However, AI should be used to stimulate thought, not to perform the thinking for your child. The idea is to help people strengthen their problem-solving skills, not to bypass them.

5. The role of parents and teachers in the era of AI

Even with AI, the involvement of parents and instructors is crucial. AI cannot provide the advice, support, and encouragement that children require from people in their lives. As a parent, you may help by establishing clear guidelines about how and when AI should be used. Encourage your child to solve difficulties on their own before turning to AI for assistance. Discuss with them what they’ve learned and how they arrived at their responses. Teachers, too, play an important role in bringing AI into the classroom in ways that supplement, not replace, traditional teaching approaches. It’s a collaborative effort, with AI simply one piece of the jigsaw.


AI is a powerful tool that may improve education by making it more accessible, personalised, and entertaining for your child. However, it’s vital to realise that AI is only a tool. It exists to assist and enrich the educational experience, rather than to replace the hard work and effort required for knowledge and accomplishment. By teaching your child how to use AI appropriately, you may help them get all of its advantages without becoming overly reliant on it. With the correct balance, AI may be a valuable friend in your child’s educational path, guiding them to become confident, capable learners.

how AI can be used to help your child's education

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