
HSC students: don’t waste your school holidays!

12 January 2017
12 January 2017 The Alchemy Team

It’s holidays. Every one loves holidays.

But for about 80,000 HSC students across NSW, this is one of the most valuable times to get a head start on the long list of things you need to do in year 12.

By this point, you’ve probably seen enough of your friends, completed Battlefield 1 three times, been to the mall a dozen times and binged on every TV show that Netflix has to offer. SO USE THE REST OF THE HOLIDAYS WISELY!

I’m gonna give you some tough love here. And please hear me when I say; it is definitely love! I want the best for you and I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I see too many HSC students make!

Here are the 3 things you NEED to get done by the end of the holidays. Prioritise them – you have the rest of your life to go to the beach – just buckle it down and kick some butt!

1. Read/watch your English texts that you are going to be studying later in the year.

Seriously. This is so so so important.

Go read the art of travel. Go watch Metropolis (as painful as it might be!). Read your poems.

All of these things will take time – time that you won’t have once term is under way. Use this time NOW to get these covered. You might need to re-read/watch them later, but at least you will have a solid understanding of the general themes.

2. Get started on major works.

I’ll admit, I was one of those guys rushing my extension history major work the night before it was due. Sure I got it done, but it was no where near as good as it could have been if I had taken time.

Major works are just that; MAJOR works.

They take time. The worst mistake you can make is thinking you have so much time to get it done. It might feel that way, but trust me when I tell you that the 13th of November will be here in the blink of an eye.

Get started on your major works. For art, come up with some sketches. For drama, do some research of similar plays. For Eng Ext 2, start drafting. Whatever it is for you – just get started!

3. Start revising

Studies have shown that the average time it takes a student to perform at their full potential after the summer holidays is 3 weeks. That is a lot of content covered in zombie mode!

If you start revising your subjects now, you will be performing at your best when school begins.

Go over your notes from last year. Find a past HSC paper and give it a try. Organise a session with your tutor. Or if you don’t have one, get one – because no one should do the HSC alone!


If you want to excel in the HSC, it starts now. Not on the 28th of January. Not at your trial exams.

Does Federer only pick up his racket before a game? Would Bolt only train before the olympics start. Nope – they get results because they put the work in before anyone else.
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