
Low demand parenting

3 June 2024
Posted in Parenting
3 June 2024 Justin Valderama

You’re at the playground, and you saw a parent strictly watching over their child, correcting every action and providing advice at every opportunity. Imagine another parent sitting on a seat, watching their child from a distance, allowing them to explore, make mistakes, and learn on their own. The second parent uses a technique known as “low demand parenting,” which is a gentle yet successful method of raising confident and capable children.

But what exactly is low-demand parenting? Low demand parenting is a parenting style in which parents make less demands on their children and instead prioritise creating a supportive and loving atmosphere. It’s about letting kids be kids, allowing them to explore, make errors, and grow at their own pace. This strategy promotes independence, self-confidence, and emotional resilience.

If you’re interested in trying low-demand parenting, here are some pointers on how to do so properly.

1. The power of choice

Giving children the freedom to make their own decisions is a fundamental element of low demand parenting. This does not imply letting children go wild without supervision. Instead, it’s about giving kids alternatives and allowing them to make the best decision for themselves within a safe and fair framework.

For example, instead of saying, “You have to do your homework now,” you might offer, “Would you like to do your homework before or after dinner?” This gives the kid a sense of control and responsibility for their activities. It’s a minor adjustment, but it may make a significant impact in how people evaluate their own talents.

2. Allow for natural consequences

Children learn best through experience, which often involves exposing them to the natural consequences of their behaviour. If your child forgets their lunch at home, they may become hungry at school. While it’s easy to rush to their aid, letting children face the consequences encourages them to be more responsible in the future.

Of course, it is critical to ensure that the outcomes are safe and suitable. The purpose is not to cause suffering in children, but to help them comprehend the actual and physical consequences of their decisions.

3. Connection Over correction

Instead of continuously criticising your child’s behaviour, work on developing a strong and loving relationship with them. When youngsters feel safe and understood, they are more inclined to follow directions and make good decisions.

Spend meaningful time with your child doing activities they like. Listen to their ideas and emotions without passing judgement. When they make a mistake, treat the problem with empathy and compassion, not punishment. This creates a trusting environment in which the child feels cherished and appreciated.

4. Avoiding dictatorship

In low-demand parenting, the parent serves as a guide rather than a tyrant. It’s about providing support and direction while letting the kid take the initiative. Be more like a coach on the sidelines rather than a player in the game.

Give advice as required, but let your kid try things their own way first. If they’re having difficulty with a math issue, fight the urge to offer them the solution. Instead, offer guided questions to let them find the solution on their own. This not only helps children build problem-solving skills, but it also increases their confidence in their talents.


Low-demand parenting does not imply being hands-off or disinterested. It’s important striking a balance between offering assistance and enabling your child to grow and learn independently. You can raise confident, resilient, and happy children by providing them with options, permitting natural consequences, focusing on connection, and leading rather than commanding.

Alchemy Tuition believes in the potential of personalised learning and development. Whether your kid requires assistance with their schoolwork or you are searching for methods to boost their entire development, we can help. Accept the concepts of low-demand parenting and watch your child develop in ways you never expected.

Remember that sometimes little is more. Stepping aside allows your child to go forward.

Low demand parenting

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