
Managing screen time and academic performance of your child

8 January 2024
Posted in Parenting
8 January 2024 Justin Valderama

Screens are an inseparable part of our lives in the digital age. Children in particular spend a significant amount of time on screens, whether for educational or recreational purposes. While technology can provide valuable educational resources, excessive and unsupervised screen time has been linked to a drop in academic performance. Understanding the impact of screen time on your child’s academic success is critical for parents. In this blog post, we offer practical tips that parents can use to managing screen time and academic performance of your child.

1. Set realistic limits

Setting realistic limits is one of the most effective ways to manage screen time. Children may struggle to manage themselves, so it is up to parents to set limits. Make clear rules about screen time for both academic and recreational purposes. Make a daily schedule that includes time for homework, chores, outdoor activities, and screen time. Communicate your expectations to your child, developing structure and responsibility.

2. Encourage breaks and physical activity

Long periods of screen time can have a negative impact on a child’s focus and attention span. Allow for frequent breaks during study sessions to reduce eye strain and mental fatigue. Physical activity is also important; it not only helps to maintain overall health but also improves concentration. To provide a healthy balance of screen time and physical movement, suggest outdoor activities such as playing in the park or riding a bike.

3. Create a distraction-free study environment

Your child’s academic performance can be greatly influenced by the environment in which they study. Designate a quiet, clutter-free study space to reduce distractions. Make sure this area is well-lit and has all of the necessary study materials. You can help your child focus better on academic tasks by creating a stimulating atmosphere free of the constant allure of screens.

4. Engage in collaborative learning

Encourage parents and peers to participate in collaborative learning experiences. This not only provides a support system, but it also promotes accountability. Make time for group study sessions where children can collaborate on assignments or projects. In an academic setting, interacting with peers and family members can reduce the solitary nature of screen time and improve the learning experience.

5. Promote healthy sleep habits

Screen time and sleep have a well-established relationship. Excessive screen time, especially before bedtime, can disrupt sleep patterns and result in insufficient rest. Establish a consistent bedtime routine that includes a screen-free wind-down period. Encourage your child to read a book or do a calming activity before going to bed. You can help improve focus, memory retention, and overall academic performance by encouraging healthy sleep habits.


Managing screen time is a delicate but necessary aspect of fostering academic success in children. To strike a balance between the benefits of technology and its potential drawbacks, careful consideration and consistent effort are required. Parents can play an important role in their child’s academic journey by setting realistic limits, encouraging breaks and physical activity, creating a distraction-free study environment, promoting collaborative learning, and prioritising healthy sleep habits. It is not about completely eliminating screen time, but rather about finding a happy medium that allows for both learning and leisure. Your guidance and proactive involvement as parents can have a significant impact on your child’s academic achievements in the digital age.

Managing screen time and academic performance of your child

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