
Quick guide on how to do slow parenting

13 May 2024
Posted in Parenting
13 May 2024 Justin Valderama

Parenting might feel like a race against time. With never-ending to-do lists, extracurricular activities, and academic expectations, many parents find themselves caught in a tornado of work, leaving little time for meaningful connection with their kids. This hectic schedule can cause stress, fatigue, and damaged relationships within the family. But what if there was an other approach? Enter slow parenting, a conscious, purposeful approach to raising children that values quality time, simplicity, and meaningful experiences above the never-ending search for productivity and perfection.

Slow parenting does not imply laziness or neglect rather, it is a purposeful decision to enjoy the moments and embrace the path of parenthood with patience and presence. It’s about getting off the hamster wheel of perpetual activity and creating space. Let’s take a look on our quick guide on how to do slow parenting.

1. Being present

In today’s digital world, it’s easy to get distracted and disconnected from the current moment. Slow parenting urges parents to put down their phones, switch off their devices, and really interact with their children. Whether it’s playing together, having emotional talks, or just enjoying a meal as a family, being totally present allows for stronger relationships and memories to be treasured. However, it is critical to understand that presence does not imply perfection. It’s alright to have messy moments. The idea is to constantly return to the present moment with purpose and grace.

2. Play and unstructured time

In our over-scheduled society, children’s calendars are frequently full with activities from sunrise to sunset. Slow parenting promotes the value of unstructured, imaginative play that does not follow a timetable or agenda. Unstructured time helps kids to express their creativity, curiosity, and sense of wonder through activities such as fort building, nature exploration, and reading. However, parents must fight the desire to overschedule their children’s life for fear of boredom or falling behind. Instead, embrace the beauty of simplicity and allow children to take the lead in exploring their hobbies and interests.

3. Connection through communication

Communication is fundamental to any good connection, especially the parent-child tie. Slow parenting promotes open, honest communication between parents and children, validating feelings and cultivating empathy. This includes offering a secure environment for children to express themselves without fear of judgment or shame. However, parents must find a balance between being supportive and overbearing. While it is natural to want to shield our children from life’s difficulties, it is also critical to equip them to negotiate the ups and downs of life with resilience and independence.

4. Letting go of expectations

Slow parenting teaches us that it’s alright to be flawed in a culture that frequently values perfection. Children are not machines trained for success. They are human individuals with their own set of abilities, flaws, and characteristics. Slow parenting urges parents to let go of unrealistic expectations and accept the chaotic process of parenting with compassion and humour. It’s alright to make errors, apologise, and change course along the road. What counts most is the love, support, and acceptance we provide our children as they grow up.


Slow parenting provides a refreshing alternative to modern parenting, which is based on awareness, simplicity, and true connection. Parents may foster long-lasting, caring connections with their children by embracing the power of presence, prioritising play and unstructured time, building communication, and embracing imperfection. So let us calm down, breathe deeply, and cherish the wonderful times we have with our children, since they are the genuine alchemists who turn our lives into something truly amazing.

Quick guide on how to do slow parenting

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